Thursday, October 18, 2007

My Initiation into Mohiniyattam.

I was intiated to Mohiniyattam at a young age, however it is after many years that i actually discovered the dance form, while watching Smt Pallavi Krishnan on my Television set. There was an intense urge to pursue the dance form and contacted her through her website. She was kind enough to give me the contact number of Smt. Gopika Varma, a Mohiniyattam dancer in Chennai who would teach me the dance form. Well, I called her up and she took me as her student, which I remain till today; from past three years.

I owe my dance to Smt Pallavi Krishna, Smt Gopika Varma, the untiring efforts of the teachers at Dasyam(Dance School of Smt Gopika Varma), Sangeetha, Vipina Ramachandran and Preethi, and not to mention the dedicated hard work of Mohiniyattam dancers and scholars who contributed and continues to contribute to the growth and preservation of this exquisite dance form.


Psychovaccine | Психовакцина said...

It was nice to see you dance yesterday in RK Swamy Hall in Mylapore. You were definitely far better than the other dancer (Apsara?). But, of course, if you were to become a professional dancer, you need to practise a lot more! :-)

By the way, why don't Vipina and Preethi sometimes dance too? :-)

Supriya Rajan said...

thank you..... sure will practice harder....

Psychovaccine | Психовакцина said...

Did you come to watch Vipina's performance today? She was fantastic! The Master of Lasya!

I told Gopika Varma that I was very impressed, particularly with the Gajendra moksha episode.

I was also curious to watch the 3 steps of Vamana (was wondering how she would do it in a skirt!).

Let me know if Vipina has an email address or a profile somewhere.

supriya mitra said...

hello ruslan...are u anjana..... ?? i dont know who u r !!!!!!!!!
yeah... vipina is a very gifted dancer. if u had u would have noticed that i was doing nattuvangam. pls do reveal ur identity. i think u r anjana!!!!!!!!